ImAnalyse V3.0

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ImAnalyse is a free and open source software in image analysis, which is the composition of two sub projects:

-First, ImAnalyse’s core is a powerful image processing library. Many filters, morphological operators are implemented from the state of the art’s algorithms. The section features describes all the possibilities of this software. This image processing library is designed to fully exploit the power of modern computers. Most of the treatments are multithreaded. Furthermore, in a near major update, ImAnalyse is designed to exploit SSE/SSE2 intruction sets.
-Finally, I have created a friendly and easy to use user interface. All the operators are accecible from the GUI with only few mouse clicks. You can find here, some screen shoots of the GUI.

ImAnalyse is my working framework for my every day research projects. Then, it was first build to answer my needs. Thence once can easily add other filters/functions/operators to this project and create some scripts to automatically execute them on a set of images. ImAnalyse is also very useful for debugging, since the GUI is able to efficiently compare images by swapping from an image to an other. Furthermore, the grayscale values appear on the top of the image if we are zooming on a small part of the image. This allows debugging operators or sees some differences between two images.

Move the mouse over the images to see the results